Erin JordanThe Unexpectedby Benjamin Moses, MD, MS, FCCM, FCCP We all see the world through our own lens, colored by our experiences, our education, our family,...
UzObiMy Story: by Stan Alleyne, Co-Founder of UzObiI’m one of those people who believe almost everything happens for a reason. At times, that can be a difficult thing to accept. Why do bad...
UzObi7 ways having your UzObi Medical BLUEPRINT and advance directive planning tools supports caregiversNovember is National Family Caregivers Month, when we reflect and pay tribute to the gifts caregivers have given family members,...
UzObi“Being Mortal” (Frontline)How do you talk about death with a dying loved one? Dr. Atul Gawande explores death, dying and why even doctors struggle to discuss being...